Thursday, December 29, 2005

Bah humbug you old scrooge!

Sorry that was intended for hubby's boss. Who made him work today and tomorrow. What is it with bosses who force employees to go into work when most people are off (well me anyway!)? They know said pissed off employees will do as little as possible, leave early and hate their scrooge asses for the rest of the year. I make a policy of refusing to work for firms who don't have the whole of Christmas and New Year off. That is quite easy to do in Library Land thank goodness!

So I'm stuck at home and I'm so lethargic I'm reduced to watching MTV2 while playing Bookworm over and over - I recommend it to everyone, though I warn you now your life will be reduced to thinking of long words to try next time. Though I only play the free version, I ain't paying for it. Now who's the Scrooge? I once got a 9 letter word and it told me the free version only accepts words of 8 letters and under! The horror!

And I've got Muppets Christmas Carol to watch too, and It's a Wonderful Life which I must have had for 3 years and haven't watched yet. And I hear it's got a Librarian in it too!

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